Tuesday, June 25, 2013

" Big menie Bird " !

"Angels communicating to  me through Birds"

Thank you Mother Mary for having your Angels guide me  through the birds.

Sometimes being a loving parent, spouse or sibling is  very challenging. Especially if tough love is involved. Many times, when your in" knee deep"  of tough love, you naturally start questioning yourself, " am I doing the right thing ?".

Well, I was in a situation concerning one of my children. I wasn't to sure what to do anymore and I was at my wits end.  It was to the point where I was questioning myself, if I  was being a "big meanie" as my daughter kept telling me after a while you do start questioning yourself and your intentions So... I prayed and asked Mother Mary and her Angels for guidance, and if I am doing the right thing for my kid. Because right now Mother Mary I don't know if I am being right or wrong in this though love thing.

Well while at work,  Standing watch over recreational yard of a female state penitentiary, ( the exact same place I didn't want my daughter to end up at), while the young female inmates were lounging around,   one of the inmates pointed up into the sky and yelled " Oh my God look at that little bird"
as I looked up into the sky, there  was a little baby  bird struggling to fly right over a state penitentiary yard. I looked at the little baby bird in amazement.  The wind was shoving it all over the place, (not to mention it was flying directly over a very bad place)    and it had a very long way to go to make it to the other side, to find a tree branch. As I was watching this struggling baby bird,  to my horror and the inmates screams and cries, a big bird started to circle the baby bird.  It wasn't long until the big bird took a dive towards the struggling chick and knocked it back and forth right back to the tree it was struggling to get too.   I said OMG that little baby bird just missed a death experience. As the little chick kept pathetically flying that big-ole-mean bird came back around and from the bottom shot upwards going towards the  struggling chick and clipped it from the bottom send the little baby bird right into the  branch ! By then, the whole penitentiary yard was yelling at the big meanie bird and clapping for the baby bird.  It made it !.  Just at that time, the big meanie bird was flying towards the chick, and I said " here is the end". To my amazement and inmates, the "big meanie" bird landed right next to the chick, and gave the chick a worm !

Thank you Mother Mary and your Angels for communicating to me what I needed to know.  You answered my prayers and showed me that I might have second doubts about my " tough love" on my child, but now I know I am right on course and I am not a "big meanie".

This coming week, ask the Angels a question, and keep your eyes wide open.

Be well and do God,s work

believe in Angels


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