Sunday, March 31, 2013


"Notice ,trust the signs that heaven continually sends"

Mother Mary says that heaven is continually sending blessings and messages to you ! Pay close attention to the signs that come to you in the many forms.

Angels  communicate to us through nature, music, situations, and other people who angels work through.  I can write a book on how many times Angels have communicated to me through nature, music, situations and other people.  Many people have asked me during my " Communicating with your  Angels" lectures, How do you know when the angels are talking to you ? I would say them over and over just like I am repeating my answer to the group, it is Repetition ! or the scene you are viewing you sense a moving sensation go right through you, or that feeling of ahaa ! You keep hearing that song over and over, or a  song that you just keep hearing in your head...

Today I will challenge you with this statement..

They say seeing is believing correct ? I 'll challenge that and say "believing is seeing"  Open your eyes ! wake up your sleeping spirit and turn on your spiritual radio and hear a new language !

Believe in Angels !

Edward Daniel


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