This afternoon, while cutting the grass, the breeze was blowing gently, I seen a butterfly struggling in the breeze trying to make headway. No matter how hard the little butterfly tried the breeze would blow him back.
Isn't life sometimes like that ? The harder we try the more backward we go....
Mother Mary says stay true to you course and perseverance will carry you through.
Later on the observed the little butterfly, in between the blowing breezes, took little short flights until it made it fully across the meadow! Lesson learned!
I asked Mother Mary for patience this weekend on something that was making me anxious and irritated. I really tried to progress in this situation but to no avail did it even come close to my schedule. When I was cutting the field, and meditating to the Angels on how they can help I heard "Ed look over there" As I looked I saw the little butterfly.....
So... I did the same thing. took short rests in-between the mammoth project, stayed true to the course and I too made it "across a big vast field" project completed !
Thank you Mother Mary and your Angels for showing my answer through one of your little winged Angel's !!
Believe in Angels !