Sunday, September 29, 2013


"Do you know where you're going too?"

Mother Mary tells us that we must have direction when travelling through our lives.  Even if we think that we are " lost" in life, we must have direction.   Even that old saying we hear "one day at a time" would be considered a direction. Take into consideration would a hiker walk in a forest without knowing what direction he is going?  Of course not! that would be foolish and even dangerous.

In Life we all need direction.  Direction  comes from praying and meditating and a reasonable effort on your part, to do your best.  

Here is a simple prayer I pray to Mother Mary:

"Mother Mary, guide me, show me what I need to do with ( your situation). I pray that I will have the wisdom to see and understand what you show me and the strength to follow your guidance"

If you are not to sure what signs to look for when asking for guidance, refer back to the prior Mother Mary readings for understanding of "signs"

Start this week out with direction... where do you want to be and how will you get there.

Believe in Angels!


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