Sunday, May 25, 2014

" I hear you !"

" I hear you ! "

During a "bad" week, I was tired, emotionally drained and spiritually challenged!  Yes it was a bad week.  I prayed to father Jesus and said this prayer : "Father please show me how much how love me and that I am not alone. I do know you love me and you are always near to me, but a little confirmation would go a long way's today, especially today !".

I ask Mother Mary also in my prayers "Mother Mary please tell your son that I need spiritual support and encouragement !


The next day while working in the community, I ran into this guy on the street who kept looking at me. So finally I made eye contact with him nodded and said "hello".  This person approached me and said " You look very familiar do I know you ? I said I don't think so.  He further said I am a Pastor at one of the local church here in town and maybe you came to my church ? I said I am not really from around hear. Then he said well you may think this is strange and I don't know if you believe in the holy spirit but  I have to tell you what I just heard.  I said go on... he said this to me  "You are a blessed man. The holy spirit is strong within you, giving you wisdom and discernment" he further stated " You already know that Jesus walks with you and his angels are always around you  protecting you" You have a special place with the Angels ! 

He then said to me, I hope you don't think that I am crazy, but I had to tell you what the holy sprit had shown  me. He then shook my hand said I was a blessed man, and walked away !

Let me tell you folks, I was a charged battery ! Thank you Jesus, thank you Mother Mary, and thank you Angels and most of all thank you for that "Crazy" Pastor !!! ( earth angel)

Believe in Angels !



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